Schischule Koch Obertauern
Ski Area: Obertauern
Schischule Koch Obertauern
5563 Obertauern
Römerstraße 23
5563 Obertauern
Römerstraße 23
Ways to contact
+43 6456 72285, +43 664 5126308
Contact person(s): Hermann KochSki school Koch - your personal ski school with a difference, located in Obertauern, since 1947.
We want to show our guests the wonderful side of winter sport and offer:
We want to show our guests the wonderful side of winter sport and offer:
- group lessons ski for kids, youngsters and adults
- private lessons ski, snowboard and cross-country
- snowbike lessons and snowbike moonlight and guided tours
- ski touring and skiguiding / freeriding
- snowshoe hiking
- carving workshops
- incentives for companys